Yo yo yo! Meet Darnell, who plays Graffiti Pete in In The Heights!

1. What are some of your favorite roles you've played?

“My favorite role to play is Seaweed from Hairspray. His character's life is really similar to mine and I always have the greatest time rehearsing and performing the show! Other favorites are Graffiti Pete from In The Heights, Hud from Hair, and Tom Collins from Rent!”

2. What theatre/acting/dance/etc. training do you have?

“With the exception of CAP, when I was younger I attended Gloria Eve Performing Arts Foundation Inc. and became a member, and eventual captain, of the West Babylon dance team. Other than taking acting/writing plays courses in college, most of the "training" I received came more from my outside experiences. These include performing in High School, forming a dance crew briefly, choreographing, and even being a part of an acapella group.”

3. What does the role mean to you?

“Graffiti Pete to me is a role many people can relate to, including myself. Usnavi assumes he's simply a trouble-making vandal when we come to find out he's actually an extremely talented artist trying to make a living that enjoys music and loves to dance! No one truly knows what goes on in a person's life or what talents they may have until you get to know them and see what they are capable of. And then you might find out something that could even change your life. I love being Graffiti Pete. He is always so open, so passionate, and so free!”

“Joining CAP was one of the best decisions of my life. After HS, I served 5 years in the Army before being discharged medically and then I was asked to audition for Seaweed at CAP once I was out by a friend who was playing Tracy. Ever since then, I periodically auditioned for more CAP shows and enjoyed every one. The thing I enjoy the most out of everything theatre related is the amount of friendships I've made! Some I would call brothers/sisters. Others I would even call my booooooyyyss!”

          Come see Darnell and the rest of the talented cast of In The Heights- running July 8th through July 31st. Tickets are available for every performance starting at $20 if purchased before Friday performances, or $25 if purchased at the door. Box office opens one hour prior to every performance. Call (516)-694-3330 or visit our website for additional information.
